Weekly Adult Education Classes
- Chabad of Summerlin/Desert Shores offers a large selection of classes from beginner to advanced levels, allowing you to discover your roots through Torah Study in a wide range of topics.
- Courses and classes are open to all regardless of background or affiliation.
- Browse our list of classes below, and add some Torah learning to your life this week!
- All classes are held at our Chabad Center, 2640 Regatta Dr., unless otherwise specified.
Torah Topics, Mondays, 11:30 am
Join Rabbi Schanowitz as he explores topics of interest to all Jews regardless of education or background.
Jewish Mysticism, Mondays, 9:00 pm
Call (702) 855-0770 for location
Torah Studies for Women Tuesdays, 1:00 PM
Study chassidus on the weekly parsha or upcoming holiday
Call (702) 855-0770 for location
Women's Chavura Wednesdays, 11:00 am
Weekly Torah Study with Shternie Schanowitz
Meets in the Chabad of Summerlin library.
Chassidic Thought, Thursday, 9:00 pm
An advanced level course delving into the Chassidic commentaries on the weekly Torah portion.
Living Torah Multimedia Presentation
Following Maariv on Motzei Shabbos
Join us to watch the weekly video magazine featuring the Rebbe's application of Torah to timely events and issues.